Scheduling automatic reminders for Proof reviewers
Here is a way to create reminders for Proof reviewers. This solution will: Send a reminder 5 days after the initial invite, if no one has responded to a Proof review request. Send a reminder 5 days a…6 · -
Re: 校正レビュアーへの自動リマインダーのスケジューリング
共有していただきありがとうございます。ご質問がございましたらお知らせください。 Neil1 · -
Re: Programación de recordatorios automáticos para los revisores de pruebas
Gracias por compartir. Hazme saber si tienes alguna pregunta. Neil2 · -
Re: Bridge - Copy all attachment names to another sheet & get data from an array with a Child Workflow
@Genevieve P. , FYI for when you help people with Bridge.1 · -
Re: Scheduling automatic reminders for Proof reviewers
@PGilbert , will try to share from my end.1 ·